Admission Requirements

Profession of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, and evidence of a born-again experience;

Consistency in Christian living and a commitment to spiritual growth;

Graduation from high school (exception: mature individuals (age 25+) who are clearly purposeful toward their training at NBC). Home-schooled students will be asked to demonstrate grade 12 equivalency by providing a transcript which shows credits and grades attained along with the name of curriculum used.

International Students

For more information about applying and attending as an international student, click the button below. An application form can be found here as well.

Apply Now

You can apply online by clicking below or print out the application and mail it in.

After you have filled in the application please send NBC:

  • $50 non-refundable application fee ($100 if you apply between July 15 and the first day of the current school year)
  • recent photo of yourself

Do not forget to ask three people to be your references.

Have your current/previous schools send NBC your high school transcript.

Submit a current Vulnerable Sector/Criminal Record Check. This needs to be completed within the 6 months prior to the student’s arrival on campus. If you are under 18 you will not be able to get a Vulnerable Sector Check and will be required to get that once you are 18.

If you are applying before August 1 check out the scholarship/bursary options and apply for the ones you qualify for: Scholarships & Bursaries

Application Payment

Preferred payment method is by etransfer (  You can pay with your PayPal Account or with a cheque.

Please indicate that you are paying your application fee in the memo.

Send cheques to:

Nipawin Bible College
Admissions Department
Box 1986
Nipawin, SK
S0E 1E0

Processing Your Application

If you are not submit your application online you may fax your application and accompanying paperwork to 306.862.3651 or mail it to:

Admissions Department: Nipawin Bible College, Box 1986 Nipawin, SK S0E1E0

NBC will begin processing your application once all of these steps have been completed. The amount of time needed for processing the application will depend on how quickly your transcript and references follow your application, but normally you can expect it to take between two weeks and two months. In mid-summer you will be mailed a package with more information.

If you need help at any time during this process please do not hesitate to call 1-888-862-5095 or email and someone will be able to answer your questions.


You will need to have three people provide a reference for you: your pastor/youth pastor, a Christian friend, and a teacher or employer.  Family members and/or significant others will NOT be accepted as references.

Please keep in mind that the application cannot be processed until reference forms are received.

Your references can fill the reference form on-line.  Direct them to this page and they can click on the button below, or if your references prefer to fill out a paper copy, you can download and print the PDF version below.  Simply give the forms with a stamped envelope to each of your references and remind them to mail those to the college as soon as possible so that your application processing is not held up.