The Alumni Exec currently consists of 5 members, in addition to an NBC staff member who serves as staff liason. Each executive member serves a 2 year term, and can be re-elected for a second 2 year term if they so wish. After a one year absence past executive members are welcome to re-run for a position on the Exec. The Alumni Executive seeks to serve the Alumni Association by helping it reach its stated purposes in the Alumni Constitution.

This is a volunteer position. The hours put into this job can widely vary depending on the current Executive, how much each Exec is willing to put into the position, and many varying other conditions. The main time-consuming responsibility of Alumni Executive in recent years has been planning and organizing Alumni Weekend, held every November at the college.

Joshua Nickel

Josh graduated in 2012 with his BA in Biblical Studies. Josh lives right here in Nipawin with his wife Ericka and their two cats. He works as a gymnastics coach as well as a casual caretaker for the schools in town. He attends church at Nipawin Alliance where he heads the Visuals department. Joshua also periodically preaches at various churches including Nipawin Alliance and the Lanigan Christian Fellowship Church where Ericka's parents live. He is excited to use his heart for service to lead our executive committee with passion.

Shaylynn Hildebrandt

Vice President
I attended NBC from 2019-2021. I met my husband, Micah, in our first year, and we married in spring of 2021. Micah continued to do his last 2 years at NBC and I was involved in the campus activities for those two years. We welcomed our boys, Stetson - in February of 2022, and Josiah - in August of 2024. We currently reside in Nipawin and I am involved in various activities in our church (Emmanuel Baptist Church), including being a Young Adults (Youth group) leader, music leading/playing, and decorating committee. I'm looking forward to utilizing my skills and gifts more to benefit the Alumni and the Alumni Exec!

Melisa Willson

Melisa attended NBI from 1993-96, where she met her husband Kendall. In 2006 they joined the NBC staff, where they served the Lord together for 15 years. For 9 of those years Melisa was the Receptionist until she decided to take her 4th year at NBC in 2020/21. She now works in town and serves at the Nipawin Alliance church in various areas of women's ministry. Kendall & Melisa have 2 adult children and have recently welcomed a daughter-in-law into their family. Melisa enjoys events and meeting with people and looks forward to staying connected with NBC in her role on the Alumni Executive.

Jeralee Hamata

Jeralee attended NBC 2018-2022 where she met her husband Dylan Hamata. They currently reside in Meadow Lake, Sk. She is currently involved in her church as a leader in youth group and Sunday school. She enjoys meeting new people and visiting. Jeralee is looking forward to serving on the alumni executive team.

Timothy Block

Laura and I came to NBC as a married couple from 2014-16. We moved from there to join Northern Canada Evangelical Mission and currently serve at Big River Bible Camp. It has always been a privilege to be involved with teens and young adults and see them move to NBC and see how God works in their life as God also worked in ours.

Michael Rowland

NBC IT Manager & Events Coordinator
Michael attended NBC (NBI at the time) from 2005-2007, where he met his wife Katrina. In the spring of 2022 they felt God calling them to return to NBC for Michael to serve as the IT Manager and Events Coordinator. Michael is excited to be serving in the role of Staff Liaison for the Alumni Committee.