Out of all our Alumni, there are only a small percentage actively staying involved and supporting NBC on a regular basis. I’d especially like to call on you who may be ‘uninvolved’ Alumni to join hands with those who are already making a big difference and to “share the load” with them! We can do so much more as we have more Alumni coming on board.
Below are some ways you can ‘Get Involved’ through your service in the Alumni Association:
- Joining ‘Many Hands’
- Volunteering to help at some point during Alumni Weekend
- Committing to regularly pray for NBC and the Alumni Exec
- Nominating someone (or yourself) to run for a position on the Alumni Exec
- Coming out to Alumni Weekend and inviting your classmates to come out as well
- Volunteering your time to help with a project on NBC’s campus, such as the gym renovation/completion project that was done over the summer of 2012
Please contact us at jason@nipawin.org if you would like to be involved in any of the above ways or if you have another idea of how you’d like to serve and be involved.