We are excitedly anticipating each of you arriving on campus! This page will give you all the details of what you need to know about arriving on campus and how the beginning of the college year will look.
There are several links and documents on this page that you will need to read, and there are some forms that you will need to fill out before arriving at NBC in September.
Cypher Login (Formerly NEO)
You can now use this platform to view your grades, see assignments, view announcements, and much more. If you do not have an account please contact the registrar. Click the button below to login.
Arrival Dates & Times
Student Leadership
Sunday, August 25
4:00-5:30 p.m.
Juniors & Senior Students
Wednesday, August 28
2:30-5:30 p.m.
Freshmen Students
Thursday, August 29
3:30-5:00 p.m.
For a campus map, click on the button below.
What You Need to Do Before Arriving:
- READ THE 2024/25 STUDENT HANDBOOK & TAKE THE QUIZ (button below) ^
- GET UPDATED POLICE CHECK & VULNERABLE SECTORS CHECK FROM LOCAL POLICE DETACHMENT (a letter for your detachment will be sent with your student info packages) **
** There will be a $100 fee if students come to school without a record check. Following this there will be a $50/week fee until the record checks are submitted. Third and fourth year students are not required to submit new record checks to NBC. However, they are responsible to find out what they need for any off-site practicums/internships.
^ Completion of the Student Handbook Quiz earns an entry into a draw (one entry per student). Prizes: 1 x NBC Sweater for each of the following groups: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd/4th Year
All of these items can be found by reading further below.
Class Registration
All applicants and returning students will be pre-registered for the fall core classes, and will be given the opportunity to register for electives after they arrive. Alternately, you may be sent an elective registration email in August, prior to your arrival. If you have any questions about the registration process, please contact Angela Hutchison, Registrar (306.862.5095).
Click on the Programs & Courses Button to read more about the courses offered at Nipawin Bible College.
Semester Schedules
Student Handbook
Please read the Student Handbook before arriving on campus. These are the guidelines that we will expect you to live by while a student at NBC.
Community Life Agreement is now included within the Student Handbook (Appendix F).
Roommate Questionnaire
Please take time to fill out the following questionnaire so that we can carefully pair you with the roommate you will have while a student at NBC. This needs to be completed by August 1st.
Student Financial Aid & Bursaries
Needing help with finances for your tuition? Click below to read the details about available funds for bursaries or Student Loans. Fill out the application for Student Aid funds and mail/email it to info@nipawin.org by August 1st.
(Note: Student financial aid & bursaries are different than NBC scholarships. Most scholarship applications are due by July 1st. Be sure to check the application deadline on each one.)
Information Specifically for Freshmen
Welcome to our new students. Here is some information for you on what to bring with you, a campus map, and a message for your parents about arrival. If you have more questions, don't hesitate to contact us!
What to Bring:
• Bible
• Bedding (sheets, quilt, pillow) for twin bed
• Lamp
• Alarm clock
• Toiletries (soap, shampoo, razors etc.), towel, face cloths
• Binders, notebooks, paper, handbook
• Laptop/computer/printer (With Microsoft Word or Pages)
• NOTE: you will not be able to print your papers in the library or through the front desk.
• Pens, pencils, markers, erasers, highlighters
• Sports equipment (soccer gear, running shoes, gloves, skates, hockey equipment, etc.) - Optional
• Any musical instrument you want to play
• Medicine (Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Buckley’s)
• ID (Driver’s license-healthcare card)
• Clothes, shoes, laundry basket & detergents
• Formal Wear (see Student Handbook for guidelines)
• NOTE: We ask that you read the student handbook (Appendix D & E) before packing your clothes in order to comply with NBC's dress code. Please contact the college if you are uncertain about any of the dress code.
What NOT to bring:
• TV
• Large furniture
• Weapons (guns, knives)
• Space heaters
• Hot plates
• Pets
A Note to Freshmen Parents/Guardians in Regards to Arrival
Join us for Supper!
We gladly invite all freshmen parents to join us for supper on Thursday, August 29 @ 5:30 p.m. If your parents are coming for supper, please register them by Friday, August 23 so that we know how many to cook for on that Thursday.
After Supper details
There will be a campus tour following supper for freshmen students and any interested family/guests. At 7pm there will be a coffee house/visiting time in the Leppington Student Center (Student Lounge) for staff and students.
If your parents need to stay on campus before heading home on Friday, please contact the college as soon as possible to find out if there are accommodations available. They are welcome to bring an RV/camper to stay in on campus. Here is a list of local hotels if needed. Your parents will need to make other arrangements for meals on Friday.
Green Groves Motel - 1.306.862.4633
720 - 726 8 Street West
Tobin Lake Motel - 1.306.862.4681
305 1 Avenue East