NBC firmly believes that first hand experience helps students put into practice what they have learned in the classroom. Through both the Freshmen Ministry Practicum (FMP) and Outreach Ministry Practicum (OMP) student experience both native ministries and inner city mission in a very personal way.

Freshmen Ministry Practicum (FMP)
In the second semester all Freshmen students participate in a week and a half long ministry trip to a First Nations context working alongside ministry veterans. Exposure to First Nations ministry will provide students with an appreciation for the needs that exist and what it takes to minister in cross-cultural contexts. This intense missions experience teaches students what it means to work as a team to be successful in ministry. Student teams often partner with organizations such as North American Indigenous Ministries (NAIM) and Northern Canada Evangelical Mission (NCEM).
Outreach Ministry Practicum (OMP)
Each January the second-year students go on a ministry trip to Edmonton. This powerful experience helps to reveal the broad needs and ministry opportunities in urban and inner-city contexts. Students work with various organizations, each focused on a unique aspect of ministry to those in need of the love of Christ. Organizations that students partner with have included Hope Mission, The Mustard Seed, Refuge Mission Foundation, and Adeara. Along with serving alongside various ministries, students often have the opportunity to experience other cultures and worldviews by visiting venues such as a Mosque, a Hindu Temple, and a Sikh Temple.

Student Ministry
Student Ministry gives students the opportunity to put their classroom training to practical use. It is also an opportunity for them to begin discovering ways in which God can use them. Some of the types of Student Ministry include: youth, seniors visitation, teaching Sunday School, kids’ clubs in public schools, residence assistants (RAs), and NBC music & drama teams.
Christian Leadership Practicums
During their third year, a practicum allows students to develop and grow their leadership abilities. Practicum students have the opportunity to lead in areas such as ministry teams (FaceDown, Living Proof, or Access Team), at church in youth groups or other areas as fits the student's gifts and abilities.