Each year, the NBC Alumni Association takes on an Alumni project(s).  All money raised at Alumni Weekend (unless otherwise specified) goes into our Alumni Fund which pays for the project.

Our aim is to meet a practical need at the school.  Typically the Alumni Executive communicates with NBC each fall to see what kind of projects would be most beneficial for us to take on for the upcoming Alumni Weekend.

The list received from NBC (along with any additional ideas the Exec may have) is presented to those in attendance at Alumni Weekend.  Often there are 3 or 4 to choose from, and our Alumni vote on which project they’d like to take on.

Any alumnus (as per described in the Alumni Constitution) in attendance may vote towards the project, including any current NBC students who have completed at least 1 semester of studies.

Please submit any Alumni Project ideas you have to jason@nipawin.org

Alumni Bursaries and other Expenses

Each fall our Alumni Association puts $250 towards the tuition of any incoming freshman who is the child of an alumnus.  This bursary also comes out of Alumni project funds raised.  NBC matches the Alumni contribution for the alumni bursary, thus blessing qualifying freshmen with a $500 bursary.  It is typical to have 1-5 freshmen each year who are children of alumni.

Additionally, the Alumni project fund covers some weekend costs such as guest speakers, children’s ministry individuals or helpers, and overall decorations for the weekend may also come out of the Alumni project fund.

Please consider contributing to our Alumni Project.  Gifts may be given towards this at any time during the year.  When you make your donation to NBC just specify if you are putting it towards the Alumni project.

If you are looking for clarification on any of the above projects please email us at jason@nipawin.org or contact NBC directly.

Completed Alumni Projects

Items in bold are shown in slideshow.

1967 - Meat slicer, 50 stacking chairs
1972 - 90 gallon gas water heater
1973 - 48 passenger Ford tour bus, Paint and the repainting of the dorms (Squaw Rapids buildings), Painting of the dining hall, and Evans wing
1974 - 8 horsepower lawn mower and tractor
1975 - Large washing machine, Deep freeze, Renovation of classroom in old Yale hotel, Large 20 slice commercial toaster
1979 - Library fund, New mattresses
1980 - Printing Press Machine
1981 - Chairs for Quonset
1982 - Paper Folder, Film Projector
1983 - Typewriter, Library Counter
1984 - Gave money towards Rempel Auditorium building fund
1985 - Continued to give towards Rempel Auditorium building fund
1994 - Overhead Projector, VCR, Mics, Equalizer
1995 - Library Tables
1996 - Drama lights, Air Compressor, Overhead Projector with Stand
1997 - Dining Hall Floor
1998 - Display Board for Recruitment
1999 - Round Dining Hall Tables
2000 - Corelle Dishes, Education Center office renovation
2001 - New Carpet in Dinning Hall foyer and basement
2002 - Sound system, Trailer, Computer software, Computer, Postage machine, Dining hall chairs, Climbing wall, Carpet in Education Center office area
2003 - Fax/copier machine, Dining Hall flooring, Library books
2004 - Soccer jerseys, Display boards for recruitment, contributed towards Dining Hall basement reno
2006 - Dining hall attic insulation, Dining hall chairs
2007 - Snow blower, Speakers for sound system, Data projector , Maintenance Shop garage door
2008 - Assisting in maintenance shop completion
2009 - Dining Hall flooring, Computer database hardware and software for admin building
2010 - Folding Chairs for the Auditorium, Utility/Cargo trailer
2011 - Replace windows/screen doors for campus house #9, 50 Vinyl mattresses, replacing original pvc-tile flooring in Education Center(bathrooms, corridors, entryways)
2012 - 5 wireless headsets for drama team and other productions, money towards Education Center roofing
2013 - Chevy Traverse for travel and recruitment
2014 -  Replacing the furnace in the downstairs Rempel Auditorium; 2 wireless hand-held mics, and 4 stage monitors; Laptop upgrade for NBC Administrative Assistant
2015 - Convection Oven
2016 - 2011 Dodge Grand Caravan for tour team and recruitment traveling
2017 - Hobart Dishwasher and a Garland Commercial Oven & Grill for the dining hall
2018 - Hobart Stand Mixer for dining hall
2019 - Mattresses for dorm beds
2020 - Paper Folder
2021 - 4-Plex Kitchen Cabinets
2022 - Events Package (New stage lights and vinyl mattresses for events)
2023 - Windows (House #11) & Furnishings for new Snider Hall & Paint/Primer/Ceiling Texture for new Snider Hall