Dear Alumni,

With a new year comes new expectations, new things to look forward to, and, for some, a fresh start with resolutions to change their ways. The end of the old year also gives us opportunity to observe the year we left behind, with all the mix of good and not-so-good things that we experienced. I want to spend a moment looking back before we look forward.

The Alumni Weekend of this past November was a great experience, with about 190 alumni and kids in attendance. The Executive had a great time planning and pulling the weekend together, and enjoyed a few days of visiting with all the alumni that were able to attend. God has shown His faithfulness to NBC through the excellent support of the Alumni who attend this weekend each year, and this past year was no exception with over $17,000 raised for the college. We were able to purchase a new window package for house #11 and also put money toward lounge furnishings for the new girl’s dorm scheduled for construction this year.

The annual Alumnus of the Year Awards were presented to commend the service and faithfulness of two alumni couples. Stan Masich and Janet Harms Masich received the award for Distinguished Service to Nipawin Bible College. Tony and Janet Ens received the Distinguished Faithfulness in Ministry Award. Their respective responses for these awards are available on the NBC website at

Julie Fehr (’15) finished her second term on the Alumni Executive, and Shaylynn Hildebrandt (’19) was voted in to join. Melisa Willson (’93), who finished her first term, let her name stand to be voted back in and will be continuing for a second term. The Alumni Executive consists of myself, Melisa, Shaylynn, Jeralee Hamata (’18), and Tim Block (’14). Michael Rowland (’05) is the NBC staff liaison on the Executive.

Looking forward to 2024 brings mixed feelings for me. Personally, there will be some big decisions this year and pretty important transitions for our family. We also have an election year before us. Throw in a few wars, heightened global tensions, and a continued cultural shift towards godlessness and a person begins to feel pretty uncertain about things. But this brings to mind the Almighty God that we serve, and His continued sovereignty in our universe.

Evidence of this sovereignty is seen in the lives of many people. In the book Peace Child by Don Richardson, God breaks into the lives of a headhunting cannibalistic tribe. In the account of Barney Lacendre in The Bushman and the Spirits, a man turns from witchcraft and the worship of evil spirits and submits his life to Jesus Christ. In The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom, God shows that His never ending faithfulness reaches even to the horrors of a Nazi concentration camp. And Isaiah 9:2 says, “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone.”

The Bible makes it clear that this light is Jesus Christ, and Him alone. Christ’s presence and words vanquish lawlessness (2 Th. 2:8), His presence strikes mortal fear into a legion of demons (Mark 5:6-7), He commands legions of angels (Mat. 26:53), and He is the Son of Man, “seated at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven” (Mark 14:62). He was crushed to make an offering for our guilt, and brought peace and healing (Isa. 53:4-10), He presented Himself as an offering to purify us that we might serve the living God (Heb. 9:14), and He offers to take our burdens and give us rest if we humble ourselves and come to Him (Mat. 11:28-30).

I could go on quoting Scripture, but then I might as well just recommend you read the entire Bible cover to cover, which I do. God’s faithfulness is known by those who know Him, and we know Him by immersing ourselves in His Word. Whatever this new year brings, it is encouraging to know that God is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8). When 2025 rolls around and I look back at this coming year, with its mix of good and not-so-good things, my prayer is that I will see the unchanging faithfulness of God present in everything, and thank Him for it.

Benjamin Thiessen
Alumni President